The Royal Cornwall Show 2017
Well, we did it! June 2017 was our first ever Royal Cornwall Show and our first retail event, and what a show is was!
As many of our r

Getting ready for The Royal Cornwall Show...
For those of you that follow our Facebook and Instagram pages, will know we've been rather busy of late.
Not just on our usual interior

Re-Upholstering a French Chair - Part 1, Deconstruction and Stripping
Following on from my previous blog post: French Louis XV Fauteuil Renovation Project, in this post I will cover the upholstery process - bre

French Louis XV Fauteuil Renovation Project
You may recall I purchased a pair of French 17th century classic Louis XV fauteuils (or to you and I, open sided armchairs) a while back as

Our Favourite Top 10 Button Back Chairs
The faithful armchair - a pivotal part of room decor that can add style, elegance and design interest to an otherwise ordinary space.

Royal William Yard Navy Blue
The colour navy has seen somewhat of a fashionable revival over the last six months or so.

Some things are better with age - Georgian Chair Refurb
If you have started following my blog or indeed, my website, you will no doubt have come to realise that I am a lover of all things old, ant

Sunshine inspired freehand mural chest of drawers
The weather in Cornwall has been stunning these past few months, even as we draw towards the end of summer to Autumn, and there’s nothing...

Back to Basics...
Dear Readers, Forgive me for I have sinned. It's been 5 months since my last blog entry... Why is that? Oh, I don't know really. I...